Thursday 16 August 2012

Three Reasons Why You Should Seek Medical Help To Remove Skin Tags

I can give you three things that will convince you to seek medical help to have your skin tags removed. But let us first find out what we can about skin tags. Skin tags are actually small tumors that often appear in parts of the body where the skin creases. You will find that these skin tags are actually harmless since they are benign growths. There isn't a lot of fear that they will suddenly turn malignant. They also generally do not cause any pain to the person who has them. Yet in spite of those facts, you may still find it necessary to seek clinical help for the removal of the tags. We now venture to look at the specific factors that may motivate you to do so.

It is mainly for cosmetic reasons that people undergo skin tag removal procedures to be free from these growths. The fact that they are quite unsightly and removing them would improve how you look is reason enough for you to have them removed. The need would be even more pressing if the skin tags appear in conspicuous parts of the body. Maybe you have come across people with skin tags on their necks. These can look quite distracting, and if the person is one who values his looks highly, it is quite frustrating. As a result, they look for ways - clinical or otherwise - to have them removed. You also have to think about those people whose livelihood revolves primarily on their looks and appearance. Examples are the models and television personalities. Even the smallest imperfections or flaws (like skin tags) would be a big deal for them since it could cause quite an impact on their livelihood.

The next motivation would be the knowledge that skin tags often contain HPV6 and HPV11. HPV6 stands for Human Papilloma Virus 6 whereas HPV11 stands for Human Papilloma Virus 11. The idea of their body being a host of these viruses does not sit well with many people. And understandably so. It does not even matter that the skin tags are benign or pose no health risks or dangers. They simply want the skin tags gone for good.

As for the third motivating factor, it is the fact that skin tags often cause a lot of irritation to the skin that makes people want to remove them. We have already established earlier the fact that skin tags are normally painless. But that does not mean they do not cause skin irritations. This would cause the person to keep scratching at the skin tags. That can in turn cause embarrassment. If and when the skin tags start causing this sort of discomfort, it often becomes necessary to have them removed: notwithstanding their otherwise benign nature.

Sometimes, clinical removal of skin tags involves surgical ligation. Cauterization is also another option available to you. Simple excision and cryosurgery are also popular methods for skin tag removal.