Sunday 25 November 2012

Challenges You'd Meet When Coming Up With A Syphilis Treatment Plan

Clinicians are often challenged with some problems the moment they start the process of coming up with the design of a treatment plan for syphilis. It is a microorganism that causes the condition known as syphilis, and it is called spirochete bacterium. That being the case, one would expect the development of treatment strategies to be a very straightforward affair. But it is going to be easier said than done. The road ahead is going to be tricky, and you're still trying to come up with a treatment plan, too. Even during the diagnosis stage, you are most likely to find many hurdles and obstacles blocking your way. You haven't even started treatment yet. You cannot expect this disease to be presented in a typical manner, as you would other diseases. You are therefore likely to have sweated quite a bit, before arriving at the right diagnosis.

True, the microbiological tests that are carried out to diagnose this disease are straightforward enough. But you cannot think of using these microbiological tests unless you have reason to believe that the condition is actually syphilis. That's where things become tricky. It is hard to suspect the existence of syphilis just by looking at the symptoms alone. We will now be discussing the other challenges that will be faced once the correct diagnosis has been made, and these challenges are mainly those that take place with respect to the development of the treatment plan's design.

You will be tasked to try to figure out how advanced the disease is in your patient. Now this would be quite a challenge especially if you are dealing with more than one or two patients at one time. Why is it important to figure out what the stage is? This is because you would have to use that information to plan out the appropriate treatment for the simple diseases and the more advanced diseases. Penicillin, administered through the intramuscular route in a single dose, is often adequate treatment for an uncomplicated case of this disease. For the advanced cases, however, penicillin may have to be administered intravenously, and it must be done for a period of 10 days. The challenge for the clinician is to differentiate the uncomplicated cases to be treated through a single intramuscular dose, and the complicated cases to be treated through multiple intravenous doses. The border between the complicated and uncomplicated is not always so clear cut.

You would also find yourself up against the task of identifying a way of dealing with the damage that the disease has already dealt with. Curbing the disease into progressing further is easy enough; just use antibiotics or other medications and you're set. Unfortunately, they do not treat the effects that have already taken place or fix the problems that already arose. But the patients would also like them to be addressed.

Clinicians are also expected to be able to somehow 'foresee' how the different treatments would affect their patients. This foresight is definitely a challenge for them. It is quite difficult to guess if patients would have allergic reactions to penicillin or other medications, once they have been administered. Even where allergies are identified, it can be hard to figure out alternative ' and equally effective -- courses of treatment.
Recommended Links Treating Syphilis

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