Friday 30 December 2011

Skin Tag Removal-Different Treatments and Methods

The unusual small, hanging growth of skin is known as skin tags. Moreover, skin tags can grow at any stage of life. Generally, these tags grow in the neck, face, armpits, chest, eyelids, and in many other areas. Since, these types of tags are not dangerous for health so the cost of surgery and other therapy for skin tag removal is not supported by any insurance scheme. Although, now a days there are many different therapies and surgery in order to get rid of skin tags since, it fades the glory of the skin. If you want to remove skin tags, you need to do it professionally and properly. If not, then it may make the skin worse than before.

There are different therapies and treatments available for skin tag removal. These methods are well recognized as well. During the tag removal treatment process, there is a possibility to get hurt so, you should't be worried. Basically, it depends on the number of tags to be removed. In order to lessen the pain, doctors normally use confined anesthetics. Before you start your treatment, make sure that extra growth of skin is skin tag only. Then look for a well-known therapist.

The available methods to remove skin tags are Cyrotherapy, Excision, Cauterization, normal tying methods, etc.One of the widely used methods are Cyrotherapy; in this method, the removals of skin tags are performed after freezing them. For freezing purpose, liquid form of nitrogen is used in this method. Before freezing, doctors use a copper or suture wire to tie the stalk of skin tag. The most important here is that the doctor needs to be skilled enough. Or, you may suffer dsychromic lesions.

For removing bigger skin tags, the Excision method is more suitable. Doctors use scissors or scalpels to eliminate skin tags in this method. Additionally, Aluminum chloride may be used to prevent bleeding.In Cauterization treatment procedure, an electric current is used to remove skin tags. They do so to burn the skin tags. Then tags are removed.

Tying the skin tags with the help of wires and threads is a common method that people use mostly. This is true because this method is easier than others and can be done at home as well. All you need to do is to take care while performing this method. Then the problem of tags can be solved without any cost. Blood can't flow through the tags because; the tying averts the direction of blood flow. After some time, the tags get a dark and dry appearance. Then they are removed. This procedure is adviced if you have lots of tags on your skin.

However, before using these methods, go to doctor and make yourself prepared for taking all type of risks that may affect your skin because, the risks involved in these methods might be very irritating to you. So, take your time to decide. Budget is another important thing to consider before having any treatments. A single treatment can make you to spend a huge amount of money. Moreover, the dermatologist recently invented a great solution known as the skin tag removal serum. This serum if prepared from natural resources and so, it does't have any side-effects on the skin. You just have to apply it on your tags and tags will fall off gradually. You can apply the above-mentioned treatment to get rid of skin tags.

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