Thursday 1 December 2011

Mole Remover Options And Risks

One of the most common types of skin blemishes are moles, known to the medical community as melancholic nevi. Moles are mostly harmless but can be confused with some types of skin cancers. They are benign growths that can be present at birth or appear later. They can also be unsightly or uncomfortable. This means that there is a pretty good market for different types of  mole remover.

Skin tags are not what many people consider moles, but they are listed as such by the American Academy of Dermatology. These are some of the easiest to remove and many at-home options are practical in dealing with them. One of the more popular methods is to simply tie a piece of dental floss around the skin tag and let it fall off.

Flat or slightly raised, dark-colored blemishes are more commonly thought of as traditional moles. Such moles are often difficult to remove. Most of them are removed by dermatologists or other medical professionals because their removal requires minor surgery. Lasers are commonly used nowadays.

All of the typical surgical risks, including the risk of infection and anesthetic reaction are possibilities with surgical removal. Aside from these risks, there is also the risk that a removal will only result in a scar that is as large and/or uncomfortable as the original blemish. Any time moles are going to be removed, they should be evaluated beforehand by a dermatologist to make certain they are benign.

The majority of home remedies for removing moles are likely to be useless or even dangerous. People often seek out these home remedies because of cost, since having moles removed is often considered cosmetic by insurance companies. Raised moles can sometimes be removed like a skin tag, but flat ones are harder to deal with yourself. If the reason for having the blemish removed is that it has grown, consult a dermatologist instead. This could be a sign of cancer.

Some people swear by putting various substances on the surface of the moles. Popular ones include apple cider vinegar and garlic. Sometimes it is recommended that the moles be scratched or pricked with a needle in order to allow the substance access. If this is done, everything must be carefully sterilized before use and the area must be protected with a bandage until it heals.

Both home and medical remedies are not always enough to prevent moles from re-growing. This is because they often have deeper roots in the skin than is apparent and the lower portions are easily missed. This isn't a problem in many cases, but sometimes it can result in re-growth. Occasionally this re-growth can be a dangerous type of lesion, or be larger and more uncomfortable than the original one.

While generally harmless, some moles can turn into cancer, or cancer can be mistaken for moles. Checking them regularly for signs of changes in shape, size or pigment can help you keep an eye out for this. Don't use a mole remover of any kind if you are not sure that it is benign. Usually, this means getting a doctor to check on it for you.

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